Sonntag, 6. November 2011

Hochreichhart (2416m) - crossing over

...perfectly clear (and a bit cold) morning session on friday. from the Ingering valley via the Schmähhausrücken to the top of the Hochreichhart (2416m) - basically now snow, but quite windy - further to the Schönebentörl and down to the Schönebenalm (where I helped to put up a weather station on the rock glacier there, which meant some more hiking with some extra load ;-)
just a fantastic scenery!

...after some meters on paved road, the gravel road allows a first great view to my todays summit. note the ridge in the middle.

...after the forest has been left behind, one climbs up this perfect ridge ;-)

...a look back down into the valley.

...almost on the summit. at least some snow patches ;-)

...view from the summit towards east. the summit right of the summit cross is the Gößeck. Down in the Mur valley you see the haze that makes a good excuse to climb a mountain ;-D
it took me 1:18hrs to get up here from the parking lot (1:50 in total from where I started). of the (inactive) rock glaciers seen from the summit.

  ...on the way to the Schönebentörl. note the double arête on the left side of the picture (the small black spot just right of the trail on the lower left are 2 chamois). 

...view down to the Schönebenalm. The rock glacier just below me (where we put up a weather station later that day).

...great trails up there ;-)

almost at the end of my morning session. some icy patches inbetween. 
...arrived (2:26hrs). a view back (basically right where the sun is now).

Great session. Wunderful scenery.

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